28 November 2010

jour 1, dimanche, le 28 novembre

After a well needed sleep we had breakfast and out into the cold. And it was cold, fingers and face felt it the most.

Bought the pass Navigo Decouverte for Katarina at metro Bastille.

And then to the Marché Richard Lenoir near Bastille. It's just a couple of streets away. Wonderful as always. So much on display: cheese, bread, meat, seafood, etc. (simply incredible) And the crowds!!! It is so much fun to be a part of it all and do some shopping for the apartment. Did the touristy stuff and bought some soap and magnets (yes more magnets). But the difference is that the sellers of these items only spoke French, even though the majority of buyers would speak English. And bought some oranges after being "shouted" to try some. Also bought boeuf bourguignon for dinner and merguez sausage for a future meal.

There was an entertaining street performer at the market.

Back to the apartment for lunch. Then went to the other side of the Bastille to look for the Lazy Dog bookstore that was to have a display in the window for "Space Invader". Unfortunately the display must have been changed the day before. But there was an interesting BD shop across the street and a lot of Space Invader mosaics and other street art to see.

After, we went for a very long walk through the Marais and joined the throng of crowds walking on a Sunday afternoon. The Marais is the perfect place on a Sunday afternoon, even during cold winter weather. And the lineups to get into restaurants in the Jewish section were incredible.

After the Marais we walked as far east as the Pompidou Centre to see the Stravinsky fountain and then back along rue Saint Antoine.

Saw the restored Tour Saint Jacques.
Katarina's feet were hurting so back to the apartment. A quick stop at the Miss Manon bakery for a baguette.

Dinner at home. Boeuf bourguignon, baguette and orangina. For dessert, pastries we picked up from the wonderful bakery on Boulevard Beaumarchais, Au Levain de Marais.

Planned on going out afer dinner but Katarina curled up into a ball to try to get warm and fell asleep. Even though the radiators are going full blast in the apartment, the single pane windows that don't quite seal, have a hard time keeping the cold out. Very charming but not effective in zero degree temperatures.

So off to bed with the plan to get up early tomorrow for a visit to the Louvre. An important check off the list item.

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