29 November 2010

jour 2, lundi, le 29 novembre

Very cold again today. It snowed over night, with a fine dusting on the cars, grass and bushes. Overcast and foggy this morning. Due to the cold, the plan is to do one major thing each day. Today is the Louvre.

Arrived just after opening and there was no one there at security or at the ticket machines!!! I explained to Katarina that the crowds in summer are overwhelming and ruin your visit. This time was the smalles crowds I had ever seen. In many rooms it was just us and the paintings.

Of course, first headed to the Mona Lisa. Only a few people there, a few seconds waiting and you were standing directly in front. Across from the Mona Lisa is the very large Les Noces de Cana. Mary loves this painting and on each visit I oblige her with a photo.


For the next several hours we visited the large format French paintings, the Napoleon apartments, the Northern Europe area (Dutch/German, etc.) and saw the Rembrandts, Durer... And then my favourite, the two courtyards filled with sculptures. This is one area where the natural light fills the hall and makes it very special. I could spend all day here, sitting and soaking it all in. On visits by myself this is where I go first and spend a long time.


After a quick sandwich at the Louvre, it was a walk to the Palais Royal. Unfortunately it was under major renovation.


A quick trip to Galeries Vivienne and then back to Rue de Rivoli to walk under the Arcades. From there cross the street to the Tuileries gardens and ended up to Place de la Concorde. I was still wanting to go on but Katarina was suffering from the cold and her feet were hurting (blister) so took the metro back to the apartment (with a quick stop at Monoprix to buy ingredients for dinner).

The agreement was to go back out after we'd warmed up (to catch the blue light at sunset). However, Katarina once thawed out had no intention of walking for hours again. She stayed and cooked dinner while I headed for the Tour Montparnasse. Unfortunately, when I arrived it was snowing!!! They said it was to be clear. Headed back by way of the Arc de Triomphe and the skies had cleared.


Took a couple of photos in the cold and then back to the apartment for a wonderful dinner.

Early to bed (which seems to be the norm).

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