05 May 2008

Off to Paris, encore!!!!

2008 05 05_0024, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

I arrived safely. Flight was even more delayed. Lots of babies on the flight, the flight was packed, but the seat next to me was empty. A couple, their baby and the mother's mother were sitting in three seats in the center. They managed to convince the flight attendant to move their mother so that the baby could have room to sleep. I pointed out that there were mother's on their own and probably could use the extra seat more than they could. Well they won and I lost, the mother was a crazy, complaining piece of work. It was like sitting next to Shirley W for 9 hours. Luckily I had my IPOD, so that I could tune her out.

The train in was uneventful, except helped a cute/shy early 20's find her way around on the RER and subsequently at Gare du Nord. She's renting an apartment for 1 month by herself!!!!!!

Met Isis, very nice. She's is so proud of her little apartment. She's renting it out part time and doing her massage therapy in it the other. The apartment is well laid out but not very much space. Current rent has gone from 700US$ to 500 or 550 Euros (I got a deal).

In the evening went for a walk around Place des Vosges and stopped off at the Monoprix on rue St. Antoine to buy a few things.

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