13 May 2008

jour 7, dimanche, le 7 mai

Up early. Quick tour of the deserted Marais, stumbled upon a late-night/early morning couple kanoodling on a bench near St Paul metro "Y'a des hôtels pour ça!"

Then Notre Dame/Ile de la Cite/Ile St-Louis. So nice with no one around, just a few joggers and store owners setting up for the tourist trade. Love the Sunday morning bird/fish market next to Cite metro station.

Then off to Montmartre before the crowds!! St. Vincent and Montmartre cimetieres. Obligatory photos of Dalida and Nijinsky at Montmartre. Always wondered why there were so many cats at Montmartre Cimetiere, well met one reason why, an old gentleman who goes around feeding the cats!!! He has an official looking identity badge and collects money from whomever stops to talk with him (has an Aunt in Victoria). Very cute to see him walking through the graves, very well dressed, carrying two large and heavy sacks of dry food and some foul looking gooey food that cats love.

Back at my metro, Breguet-Sabin they were having the Sunday market. Very colourful with all types of food products and all different ethnic groups of vendors and shoppers.

At night went out to take some night photos of the Seine around Place de la Concorde.

Discovered that one of my cards is corrupt and I lost some of today's photos (so sad).

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