09 May 2008

jour 4, jeudi, le 8 mai

Bruxelles - Bande Dessinée - Tintin, Capitaine Haddock et Milou 2008 05 08, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Didn't sleep well Wednesday night as somewhere in the building a bunch of Anglos were having a party. Loud noise, singing and the sounds of furniture being thrown!!! Of course when my alarm went off in the morning I didn't wake up. But then by luck I woke up and saw the time and said I've got 40 minutes to get ready, get to the metro and get to Gare du Nord. It reminded me so much of my trip last summer where Mary and I were making mad dashes to get to the train on time. And like then I was lucky again. Caught the metro just in time, the next one would have been too late!!!

Thalys TGV to Bruxelles. Bruxelles is much nicer in warm weather. First thing was to take the metro to the end of line 1b to Stockel station. There both sides of the platform has a mural of Tintin characters and situations by Herge.

Then to the Grand Place and Mannekin Pis and then the cartoon wall walk. With a long stop at the Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée.

Back to the Grand Place at the end of the day. The number of tourists was amazing. It is a beautiful place, chocolate, waffles, beer, etc.

The day was very long and I was tired from the lack of sleep. Up at 6:00, 11 hours there, with a 1 1/2 hour train trip each way. Similar if not identical to my workday!!!!!

Sleeping in tomorrow.

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