13 May 2008

jour 9, mardi, le 13 mai - le soir

I love walking around Paris at night. These last few days the evening has still been warm, low 20's, so much more enjoyable. But no matter, every night, everyone is walking until midnight. So much to see, the City looks different than during the day. All of the shops and cafes and monuments are lit up!!! And there is a feeling that you are safe. People come up and talk to you and you don't think that you will be mugged. Tonight, a young guy on a bike asked me if I thought his Nikon lens could be fixed, he had dropped his camera while riding his bike and he saw I had a Nikon camera (don't know why he thought I could help). So sad, remember to hold onto the camera strap!!!
The other night, I was walking near Place de la Madeleine with my camera around my neck when an attractive black woman said, "Monsieur, vous aimez prendre les photos?" Now how friendly is that!!!! I replied "Ca me fait plaisir". She laughed and kept walking in the opposite direction, pausing and turning her head at the end of the street to see if I had changed direction.

Walking back along Place des Vosges at 12:30 tonight going to the apartment felt like I could live here forever. Only what would I do for money??

Oh well, three more days left, and then time to plan the next visit.

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