08 December 2010

jour 10, mercredi, le 8 decembre

Katarina feeling better today.

Off to Strasbourg to see the Christmas markets. Weather not too bad at the beginning, but by 3pm incessant downpour!!! We're soaking wet and miserable and then my umbrella breaks.

Still manage to buy a couple of Christmas ornaments at Kathe Wohlfahrt.

Headed back early to the Gare Centrale to get out of the rain.

Finally in the train back to Paris. This was a wasted day. The train arrives 40 minutes late due to the severe weather between Strasbourg and Paris.

In Paris we see the result of the major snowfall that occured during the day. Per the news it is the most snowfall experienced in the last 23 years.

Thankfully the final 3 days are forecasted to be much better.

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