06 December 2010

jour 7, dimanche, le 5 decembre

George arrives today.

Out to the market to buy dinner.

Then a walk to Marche Aligre to see another market that is a bit different in that it not only contains food but also bric a brac. Saw some interesting items at the flea market area, but fortunately, my inner voice said "Dad you don't need that".


On the way there stopped a a park to watch table tennis being played on outdoor tables. Another reason I admire the French. They also had one "Foosball" table, unfortunately did not have a spare ball on me.


Then to Gare du Nord to pick up George. Saw an interesting Orangina sign there.


Checked George into the hotel. Then walked around the Marais. Went into the Musee Carnavalet. Very nice. Then headed off to Ste-Chapelle to see a classical music concert. It was so cold in Ste-Chapelle. It was like sitting in a refrigerator. The lead violinist, joked at the end of the performance that he appreciated us giving them such a warm welcome.

After, back to the apartment for dinner.

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