01 December 2010

jour 4, mercredi, le 1 decembre

Up late today because of last night's concert.

We both put on our thermals today as it is even colder and it was going to snow. Yes indeed, soon as we walked out the door the snow started.

Through the northern Marais to see the wall Philippe Auguste built
(1200 AD) to fortify Paris. Not much of it still remains or is visible, but there is a large section that is on the outside of a school sports field.


Then to the St-Gervais-et-St-Protais Church near the Hotel de Ville.

Across the Seine to the Left Bank to see the bookstore Shakespeare & Company and to warm ourselves.

Then to the Rue du Chat-qui-Pêche, the narrowest street in Paris. Then through the winding streets of fast food Greek restaurants. It was snowing quite heavily at this point, and cold, and were on our way to the Pantheon when a change of mind made me decide on the Musée de Cluny (Musée du Moyen-Âge). Wish I had gone here sooner. Quite fascinating to see art/relics from 600 years ago. The highlights for me were the heads of the Kings from Notre Dame and the tapestries, especially the most famous being the Lady and the Unicorn.



After the museum I wished to go to the Pantheon but Katarina wasn't interested on this day. So went to Saint-Étienne-du-Mont. It was very dark inside the church, so different than on my other visits.

After, I thought we would continue with a long walk down St. Germain but the snow was making walking treachurous and also difficult to see. So a stop at the Album stores to warm up and window shop. Great collection of BD (Bande dessinée) and Manga books and figurines in this area. An adult passion in France/Belgium. Many of the books are quite violent and sexually explicit. Over here not everyone has outgrown comic books. Katarina was amazed by the selection/variety on display.


A walk back to the apartment through the snow, a stop at Miss Manon for a baguette and pastries and back to the apartment for a hot meal.

Talked to George on Skype. He'll be arriving on Sunday to a warmer/wetter Paris (based on the forecast).

A rather shortened day based on the weather conditions. Hopefully the weather will gradually improve!!!!

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