03 December 2010

jour 5, jeudi, le 2 decembre

We're during a freak winter cold snap. Train passengers stranded in Germany. Paris airports having problems with ice. Eurostar is having half the trains cancelled due to snow in England/northern France. They've recommended all trips be cancelled until Sunday. George is to travel here on Sunday; we hope he makes it!!!!

Musée d'Orsay first thing. Because of the Monet exhibition and the paintings being removed the top floor has been blocked off for renovation. All of the Van Gogh's, Ronoir's, etc. have been moved to the lower galleries. Also, no photos are allowed anywhere in the museum. I'm hoping this is temporary due to the crowding in the rearranged galleries. Love the interior of the modified train station, some of the statues are amazing.

After, crossed back through the biting wind in the Tuileries and on to Place Vendome. Window shopped and saw a nice watch for 26.000 Euros. Need to check the conversion rate before I buy.

Over to the Madeleine. Went inside to warm up. Checked out the shops including Maille and Fauchon. Inside Fauchon saw many things I wished to buy. Fortunately/unfortunately my inner voice said "Dad you don't need that".

Next to Les Grands Magazins - Printemps and Galeries Lafayette. Was looking forward to the Christmas window displays as they are always incredible. Unfortunately, not this year. Inside Galeries Lafayette went to the incredible "food floor"; I wish our apartment was close by, as there is an incredible variety of food. The cheese display by itself is amazing. Then to the Perfume displays on the ground floor and a look up at the amazing glass ceiling.


After we went to the Opera Garnier, but couldn't visit as there was a performance on at the time.

Instead, took the line 13 train to Gennevilliers to scope out the location of the Axelle Red concert tomorrow night. Don't want to be fumbling in the dark looking for the theatre in a northern suburb of Paris. Mary knows all to well how frustrating this can be!!!!

Back to the apartment for dinner (Rotisserie chicken and roast potatoes from the butcher by the St. Paul metro). Same staff over the years.

After dinner off to see the Tour Eiffel all lit up. It was freezing cold from Trocadero to the walk to the base of the Tour Eiffel. I asked Katarina if she wanted to go up to the top. "Absolutely not" was the response from her frozen lips.


Next to the Champs-Élysées to see the avenue all lit up with the Christmas lights. Simply wonderful; would love to be here on New Year's Eve!!!


Next to the Louvre to see the Pyramide at night. Very spooky walking through the dimly lit arcades of the Louvre; we wouldn't have felt safe if it hadn't been Paris. Hardly anyone at the Pyramide due to the cold. Katarina is getting a false impression of Paris. No lines or crowds; how very different it is in the summer. There are tourists here now, mainly Brits, the Italians/Spaniards don't seem to like the cold.


Back to the apartment to try our macarons from the Gérard Mulot Mulot bakery on our corner. Two of the four we tried were to die for.


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