04 December 2010

jour 6, vendredi, le 3 decembre

Sun/bright skies for today. But COLD again. Doesn't seem that the cold weather that is wreaking havoc on Europe is letting up.

Metro to Gare de l'Est. Large crowds waiting to see if there trains to eastern France/Germany will be running. An Alsace Christmas market was setup at the front of the station.

Spotted the Deutsche Bahn (DB) InterCity Express (ICE) the German equivalent of the TGV.


Then a short walk to the Canal Saint-Martin. A favourite spot of mine. Lovely backdrop of the bridges, Antoine & Lili and the locks. Very cold as we walked along the Canal.


Then off to Cimetière du Père-Lachaise; (officially, cimetière de l'Est). Came across a character that made sure we saw certain of the graves: Chopin, Denon, etc. He called us "maple syrup" once he found we were from Canada. His cats live in the Cemetery as his wife is allergic to cats. He said we were very lucky, the Cemetery had been closed because of the snow/ice, wasn't safe to walk. We walked more the experience than to look for "dead celebrities" (also too cold to hold the map). Did see Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf and Oscar Wilde. Also, quite moving are the memorials to the Holocaust Concentration Camps.


Not tired, but frozen. Back to Monoprix for le shopping and the apartment for dinner.

In the evening off to Gennevillers to the Salle des Fêtes to see Axelle Red. Wonderful concert, Axelle's voice was strong. I had heard her sing on TV a few months ago and her voice was nonexistent, thankfully it must have been temporary. Her between song banter, especially at the beginning, was incoherent rambling.


Sang many songs that I knew:
Le monde tourne mal (Let's dance)
Parce que c'est toi

Ma Prière
A Tatons

Je t'attends
Sold to the Man in Gold

She sang for two hours. Back with a quick walk through an eerily deserted Marais.

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