28 November 2006

Eglise Madeline - Quatre Saisons de Vivaldi

Delightful way to end my stay in Paris, a classical music concert at the Madeleine. The musicians were 20ft away and the sound was incredible (except when you could hear the grumblings of the metro). A winter evening, sitting with a small crowd in this historic setting, quite moving. Was it the music or the church or most likely a combination of the two.
My walk back from the Pigalle metro station brought me back to the neon sex shop side of man. Funny thing about these sex shops, I think they are subsidized by the French government as I've never seen anyone go into one, just tourists taking pictures.

Last day in Paris (28.11.06)

Tuesday, my last day in Paris
Well was supposed to rain all day but didn't start until mid afternoon and then only for a couple of hours. In Vancouver everyone has an umbrella but not in Paris. On Blvd Saint-Germain I was waiting at a very long light in the rain when I here a bonjour monsieur and discover a cute twenty something is sharing the space under my small umbrella. In English I could have thought of something clever to say but not in French.
Well went to Galeries Lafayette: food floor, terrasse, cooking stuff.... Quite the store and very busy. The glass domed roof is amazing no matter how often you see it.
Then off to a famous cook shop (E. Dehillerin) in Les Halles to look at their supplies. It's a warehouse style setup and you almost need to know what you want before you go in. Very helpful staff.
Then one final trip to Blvd St-Germain and the Marais.
So sad - au revoir Paris. Will I be coming back anytime soon? Who knows. It would be a good place to go for our 25th wedding anniversary??
Off to Strasbourg tomorrow and then on to Hamburg/Luebeck on Friday. Probably won't have internet access so my ramblings end here.

27 November 2006

Montmartre at night

escalier montmartre nuit 1, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Montmartre is quite special at night. Some streets can be very dark as the lights are very old. I don't know what the crime rates are but it feels very safe. Young women are walking alone down the streets as well as tourists with cameras around their neck. Final days in Paris and this happens to be one of my favourite photos.

Monday afternoon

tour eiffel ligne 6, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Walked around the Marais again. They're ripping up the road around Metro Saint Paul, the carousel isn't there?
Two women stopped to ask for directions, well as I don't live in Paris and don't really speak French I don't know how I could help. But they were only looking for Place des Vosges so it wasn't a problem. I think the Parisian Tourism Office should hire me to help people who are lost (and I come across many confused people all the time).
Well after the Marais went to Metro station Passy to see the trains of ligne 6 pass in front of the Tour Eiffel. Not all of the metro is underground, this line passes over the Seine twice during its journey.

Ile Saint-Louis model shoot

First the TV shoot in front of Notre Dame and then came across some sort of model shoot on Ile Saint-Louis. Haven't spotted Juliette Binoche yet, only one day left.

On top of Notre Dame

notre dame gargoyle 4, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Lots of stairs to climb but after a week plus of non-stop walking not a problem. The difficulty for me was going around in the tight spiral staircase, vertigo with a capital V.
The view of Paris was great but the gargoyles stole the show, well worth going to the top to see them.
The stairwells were very small, Quasimodo couldn't have been very big to fit in them.
Fun to walk on solid stone stairs that have been gradually worn/grooved by thousands of steps over time.

Notre Dame TV? Shoot

notre dame tv shoot 4, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Monday, second last day in Paris.
Good weather again, 2 days in a row. Decided to do something I've never done before which is climb the Tour of Notre Dame.
When arrived I came upon the filming of what appeared to be a British TV shoot. More pictures on Flickr, just click the picture

Paris at night

louvre pyramid nuit, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Finally was able to go out and take some photos of the City illuminated. Every night it has rained except the nights I went out to a concert when it was always dry (except it was wet when I got out of Liane Foly a week ago Saturday).


orangerie nympheas 1, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

At 2pm off to the Orangerie with my reserved ticket. The line for the unreserved was incredibly long.

First time at the l'Orangerie as it was being renovated for years. Main attraction is Monet's Nympheas, just incredible. Mary just adores Monet's water lilies and also loves saying water lilies (she sound like Katherine Hepburn when she does).

Sunny Sunday

canal st martin 1, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Beautiful day today
Off to Canal Saint-Martin. At metro Madeleine helped a distinguished elderly gentleman find ligne 14 to Gare Lyon. Walked him through the passageways to the right quai. I guess I look helpful and speak French?? It's fun to see how far I can go before I make a fool of myself. Luckily didn't happen this time.

Beautiful morning at the Canal. Everyone out walking their dogs and kids. Just great.

After walked back to the Louvre through Chatelet.

26 November 2006

Saturday in Paris

l'album 1, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Started out damp and rainy but cleared up midday.
Spent the morning and afternoon on the Left Bank. Bought some pastries at the Bakery Poilane and then went to the Marche Mouffetard.

In the afternoon a very long walk along Blvd St. Germain including a stop at the l'Album stores. Great shop for Tintinophiles. The figurine of Tintin et Milou dancing is 280 Euros!!! Expensive but would be a wonderful addition to someone's collection.

At night went to the Palais des Sports to see the musical/spectacle le Roi Soleil. It was a huge hit last year and has been brought back with the original cast to do it all over again (and make more money). What is unusual for a musical is this show has at least 5 great songs in it. I forgot my camera but no one else did, it was a continuous photo shoot during the whole show. The 20 yr old girl next to me was not only taking pictures but phoning a friend during the best songs so her friend could listen "live".

My cold/bronchitis/sore throat is returning, just hope it doesn't get any worse!!!

25 November 2006


chartres cathedral3, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Rainy Friday in Paris. Didn't get much sleep last night worrying and trying to find out the condition of my mother-in-law. Originally planned on taking the TGV to Lyon but didn't get up in time and with the rainy weather wouldn't be much fun.
Decided to go off to Chartres instead.
The Cathedral was impressive by its size and stained glass. There were only about 20 of us "tourists" in the Cathedral.
I'd like to go back again when the sun is out as it was very dark inside the Cathedral and while the stained glass was beautiful I can only imagine what it would have been like with full sunlight.

Luckily the rain stopped while I was there but started up on my return to Paris. Decided to head off to the l'Orangerie as it has been reopened after many years of renovations. Well the line was so long and not moving. Supposedly someone said it would take 2 hours to get in!!!!! Should have done this before, went off to FNAC and bought a reservation for Sunday at 2pm, the earliest that was available. This will guarantee beautiful weather on Sunday :).

Went out in the early evening to take some night pictures. Off to the Tour Eiffel but soon as I got there the rain started again. Also they are building a stage at Trocadero that is blocking everyone's picture taking views. Hopefully Sunday or Monday evening will be clear to take the pictures, as Saturday and Tuesday I have my final concerts.

24 November 2006

Madeleine Peyroux at the Olympia

I love Madeleine Peyroux's music and had recently seen her perform in Vancouver. I found in Vancouver and even more so in Paris her stage manner in between songs a bit awkward. First thing when you are in France you try to speak French, even just a little bit. Well Madeleine can sing in French and she certainly could try to speak French but she made like she was in front of a crowd in the U.S. and just spoke English, very uncool and not very wise. Finally halfway she spoke some French saying how part of the proceeds of the show was going to a charity in Paris as she was a citizen of the world and therefore a citizen of Paris. They loved that. And then she sang one of her two French songs, the crowd was enthralled. And then guess what, she went back to English for the rest of the show. She needs a handler to help her win over the audience at the different cities she performs in. Great songs, great stylist, just lacking in stage charisma (maybe a bit shy/scared to be on stage?) Certainly the Olympia was a different place from last Saturday when Garou was performing, he had everyone screaming by just saying hello.

Figured out the seating system at the Olympia, something I hadn't known about before. The rows and seats in the theatre are not marked!!!! Everyone must be seated by an usher(ette). This time as I had more time I saw the sign the sign that said they don't get paid by the theatre only by the theatergoers. I don't know how they know which row or seat to put everyone in as the seat numbers don't make any sense to me. Also both concerts didn't have any intermission as everyone would have to be reseated as most would have lost their places, very strange indeed!!

Before the concert I went to a book signing session with Stephen Clarke the ex-pat Brit who became very popular with his "Merde" books about his trying to understand the French after his move to Paris. They are very funny books indeed. Well I couldn't stay long enough to get my book signed (had to go to the Olympia) as the bookstore was packed so they were nice enough to have a book signed so I could pick it up the next day.

Found out from an e-mail from work that my Mother-in-law was taken to hospital. Very worrying and feeling very guilty as I'm walking the streets of Paris eating pastries instead of helping out back home. Funny thing is the message went from Vancouver to Paris and then back to Vancouver as I called Mary to let her know.

23 November 2006

Paris metro

galeries affiche metro1, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

The craziest thing is that the thing I remember and miss the most about Paris is their wonderful metro system. I travel on it so much when I am here that the sights, sounds and smells get under your skin.

Part of the sights are the ads on the walls and corridors. Galeries Lafayette always has some of the most interesting/artsy ads.

Cellphones (les portables) also seem to work on the metro and yesterday on the TGV. Unlike London and Vancouver the people of Paris respect people around them and do not talk incessantly nor loudly. They make or take a call and say they'll phone the person back. On the TGV there are stickers reminding the passengers that others maybe sleeping and not to use their cellular phones.

Rainy day - Louvre

louvre painting1, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Mary asked that I make a trip to the Louvre to take a picture of the enormous painting - The wedding feast at Cana. Well it's raining today so off I went to the Louvre. Large crowds waiting to go in consisting of French school groups and tour groups of Chinese and Japanese. Haven't noticed the Asians anywhere else in Paris, seems they only hit the major spots for a day or so and then are gone.

Well the line wasn't that bad once you're in and the Louvre is so large that it can absorb a large amount of people and still look empty. Well everyone heads to the Denon wing to see the Mona Lisa, but somethings changed, the popular Denon wing with Italian, French and Spanish paintings has changed it's photo taking policy: no photos. The reason is that certain tourists were blocking everyone from seeing the paintings by their incessant photo taking. Everyone abided by the new rules except for a few in the Asian tours, don't know why that always is (the signs are in numerous languages including Chines and Japanese).

The Mona Lisa is in a new room with the Wedding Feast of Cana opposite it. Unfortunately Mary doesn't get her photo. The rest is the Louvre is open to picture taking and without the large tour groups seems almost empty. The only groups you'll see in these areas are French art students studying paintings and sculptures.

The picture taken is to show the size of the galleries and paintings in comparison to us humans.

Off to Madeleine Peyroux at the l'Olympia tonight.

Only five days left in my Montmartre home, starting to miss it already!!!!

22 November 2006

Hotel de Ville

hoteldeville, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Last photo I took this night was the Hotel de Ville all lit up.

Galeries Lafayette

galeries, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Went out after I came back from Avignon. Walked between 8 and 11 taking photos but mainly just walking. Took photos of the scaffold covered Madeleine and Opera Garnier. When done walked over to the "grand" department store - Galeries Lafayette. Quite the amazing light display for Christmas.


papes, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Almost missed the TGV this morning. Didn't hear the alarm and had to hurry as the train was leaving at 6:20. Who in their right mind booked this time? Well had to get the 1st or 2nd metro leaving in the morning at Place de Clichy metro or I wouldn't make it to Gare de Lyon. The TGV is great, very comfortable and fast. Only 2 1/2 hours to go from Paris to the South of France; that is amazing as it sometimes takes me that long to commute the 40km's to work The train arrives at Avignon TGV station, an ultra modern station with two tracks, one going south and one going north. It is necessary to take a 10 minute bus ride into the station.

Avignon. Yesterday it was raining, tomorrow it is supposed to rain. Luckily when I arrived the clouds were breaking. The sun did come out but it was cold, not extreme temperature cold but combined with the blustery winds it was cold. Mary would not have been amused. The wind made it difficult to take pictures as one's body gets bounced around.

At the tourist office they give you a map and point out what you should see, le Palais des Papes and le Pont Saint Benezet (Pont d'Avignon). There are some other museums and such, which they try to get you to go to with discounts but it's the bridge and the popes' palace that everyone goes to.

Le Palais des Papes was amazing and the audio guide was very informative. These guys had quite the life!!! Unfortunately no photos are allowed. It takes 2 to 3 hours to get through.

And then the bridge. It would look great at night but I wasn't staying around that long.

It's funny how you miss being away from home and that where you are you know you don't really belong. Avignon was like that for me, a wonderful place to visit, but not home. Luckily it is only 2 1/2 hours back to Paris where I don't have any such problem.

Reserved an earlier train back as didn't want to kill 2 hours doing nothing. If not raining plan on tacking some night pictures.

21 November 2006

Tuesday in Montmartre

Dalida, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Well it was supposed to rain all day today so I got up early to head over to the Louvre (to take a photo of the Wedding at Cana). Well it didn't rain all day until late in the afternoon!!!!

So I spent all morning going up and down the winding streets of Montrmartre, the area of Paris where I am staying. The photo is the grave of Dalida, a famous singer in France who has an amazing grave. Her's and Nijinsky's were the most interesting.

In the afternoon went to Place Vendome and the Tuileries. Unfortunately that's when the weather went bad. Tried to take some night pictures but the rain started coming down heavy. Of course it stopped after an hour, but too late for me as I have to get up early tomorrow as I'm off to Avignon by train.

Monday on the Road to Rouen

Off to Rouen from Paris Gare St. Lazare. Had a bit of delay having my Eurail Pass validated and missed my original train, instead took the next one which was 2 hours later.

The train ride was enjoyable the 1 1/2 hour trip there and 1 hour 10 minutes back went very quick.

When I arrived it was raining and continued off and on while I was there. Cathedral Notre Dame is undergoing renovations and with it being dark outside it was extremely dark inside. Almost impossible to read the signs and notices inside the Cathedral.

Of course when it rains one tries to duck into stores every once and awhile. Unfortunately it was Monday and all the interesting stores were closed.

The historic town was nice with its numerous half-timbered buildings but the weather just ruined it for me.

19 November 2006

Second day in Paris

Gotup late which was to be expected. Out the door around 11am. Off to Ile de la Cite to see the Sunday bird market. Birds, bird seed, rabbits, fishes, etc. for sale. Was cold, windy and overcast but not raining. I like it cold so suited me fine, just the pictures would appreciate the sun.

After the bird market walked over the Pont Neuf and looked at the garden/pet stores on the right bank by La Samaritaine. Love the little plant stores and their collection of garden nomes.

After that went to an organic market held every Sunday near metro Sevres-Babylon. Was interesting but not overwhelming.

Then the Sun came out. Quick, got to think, it is going to rain everyday, now that the Sun is out what should I take a picture of that needs blue sky. My choice was to go to Ile de la Cite and Ile Saint Louis and get pictures of Notre Dame and the surrounding buildings and bridges.

After that I went to the Marais to walk around and get pictures of the hotel Mary and I stayed at (when we used to travel together), Place des Vosges and all the old Jewish Deli's. This is such a fascinating area on a Sunday, it is just filled with people walking throught the narrow streets. A must see!!!!!

Back to my room for a bite to eat and then off to the l'Olympia to pick up my concert ticket from Amandine (bought it from her on E-Bay). I bought it less than a week from the concert date and so she arranged to meet me at the theatre before the show. Unfortunately I didn't leave the apartment early enough and I had problems getting the metro and ended up running a great deal of the way. Well I arrived 5 minutes before 6pm and luckily Amandine was still there (with her father) to give me the ticket. I felt so bad that she had to wait and that I didn't have time to sufficiently thank her as I had to get into the theatre.

The Olympia is an amazing theatre!!! It is large but small at the same time, you have a feeling of being so close to the stage and the performer (I was in the second row of the mezzanine).

Opening act was Marie-Mai from Quebec. I believe she was a contestant in Star Academie. I think she was the same year as Wilfred Lebouthiellier and Marie-Elaine Thibert.

She was great, the crowd loved her but were waiting for Garou!!!

Garou was amazing. So much energy and power. Sang his new songs which I'm not that familiar with but also sang the songs I love: Belle, Amsterdam (Jacques Brel), L'amour est violent, Gitan.... And guess who came to do a duet with Garou, Liane Foly!!!! Two nights in a row!!!! Garou's background is singing english songs and he did plenty of them including You can keep your hat on (the most amazing performance and to see the crowd react to the hip movements), Here Comes the Sune, Roll Over Beethoven, and some great Jerry Lee Lewis songs.

It was an amazing concert with very generous long encores. When it was over everyone was commenting to each other how it was one of the best concerts they'd seen. The couple next to me on the way out wanted to know whether I loved it also. I said that it was amazing and that I was from Vancouver, Canada. They initially thought I was there just to see Garou as it appeared there were numerous Quebecoise groupies in the front row (as he is from Sherbrooke, Quebec) . They said he is amazing and that he is the best at the Olympia because it is such a great theatre. I said thank you for talking to me and they wished me well on my visit to Paris and France. Parisians are so nice when you try to speak French with them and partake of their present popular culture and not just their monuments and paintings (historic culture).

The only negative about the concert was that it came to early in my trip, it will be hard to come close to it.

My poor daughter, Katarina, she will be in agony when I get home and put on my Garou DVD's and CD's!!!!!!!

First day in Paris

On Friday the 19th I left. Unfortunately for the last three weeks I was very sick with a cold/flu which consisted of a sorethroat, bronchitis and a terrible cough. Luckily I got it early enough so that I was well enough to go.

My flight was on Lufthansa from Vancouver to Frankfurt and on to Paris. I chose Lufthansa instead of Air Canada because the flight left in the afternoon and arrived in Paris in the afternoon. The Air Canada flight to Paris through Montreal requires leaving early in the morning (and getting up even earlier) and arriving in Paris early in the morning (way before your hotel/apartment is ready to be occupied). Also, I went on Aeroplan airmiles and discovered that flying on Lufthansa meant I didn't have to pay the fuel surcharge!! This saved me close to $200 dollars.

The flight on Lufthansa was pretty good. The positives: recaro seats, very clean, food served on the one hour flight between Frankfurt and Paris. The negatives: the food was so/so (no rouladen or knackwurst or spatzle....), I had an asian flight attendant, the confusing Frankfurt Flughafen (having to go through security again!! and the very long way to walk through a maze of corridors and elevators [it is much easier to connect in Montreal].

But I arrived safe and sound in Paris and my luggage arrived too!!! I took the RER to Gard du Nord and then the metro to Blanche which is just a short walk to my small apartment in Montmartre (close (too close?) to the Moulin Rouge). This is the same apartment I stayed at with my son, Glen, in 2004, except this time the second floor.

Nichole was waiting for me at the apartment and showed me everything in a few minutes. After she left I went to the Monoprix to pick up a few things (milk, dessert, Orangina, etc.). When I got back I was so tired (only had a couple of hours of sleep on the plane) that I went to sleep for only an hour as I had to go to the Liane Foly concert at Le Grand Rex.

Well I got up in plenty of time but I was so disoriented from the travel and lack of sleep that it took me 45 minutes to gain my wits and figure out how I was going to get to the theatre. Well the outside fresh air revived me and with great haste I managed to get there on time.

I love Liane Foly, great voice and great song styling. To my shock/dismay the first half of the show was her doing not her songs but parodies of famous french chanteuses from the last 30 years. The crowd was laughing uncontrollably but I had two problems: 1) my french isn't as good as it should be and 2)I didn't grow up in Paris so didn't watch all the french variety shows that she was having a great time recreating.

Thankfully the second half made up for it. Great songs, great voice, great encores, the crowd went wild. There was a three or four song set that had me and everyone in the audience enthralled.

I think it will be hard to top that concert on my trip. PS. Ask Mary to get Liane's hairstyle (so cute).

Back to the apartment and late to bed after midnight.

From the time I got up in Vancouver to going to bed in Paris it was 32 hours and with only 3 hours of sleep.

Not bad for an old man!!!!

Trip time

A few months back my loving wife for my 50th birthday bought me a new camera (see post re: fantastic four photos) and a 2 1/2 week vacation to France (mainly Paris) and Germany (Hamburg and Luebeck). The time in Paris is to catch some French concerts and listen to and try to speak French (I'm not as good as I used to be, which wasn't very). In Germany I wish to visit some of the famous Christmas Markets (Christkindlmarkt). It is a bit scary to go off on my own as I just got over two major surgeries in 2005 (one life saving). The appeal of being in Paris in the late fall (when it full of Parisians and not tourists) overpowers my commonsense.

03 November 2006

Fantastic Four 2 - Photo of Jessica Alba

Fantastic 4 291006 (29), originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

This is the photo that usmagazine.com purchased to use on their website. My first and probably last photo that I'll sell as I don't think I'll have many more encounters with "celebrities" (waking anyways).

Fantastic Four Photos

Well my Flickr site http://www.flickr.com/photos/tintinetmilou has achieved 100,000 views as of today. There is quite the buzz on the internet about the photos I've taken from my office of the movie shoot happening on the parkade roof next to us.

Yesterday I was contacted by usmagazine.com to buy one of my photos and put it on their web page. I said yes and within half an hour it was up on their site!!!!