24 November 2006

Madeleine Peyroux at the Olympia

I love Madeleine Peyroux's music and had recently seen her perform in Vancouver. I found in Vancouver and even more so in Paris her stage manner in between songs a bit awkward. First thing when you are in France you try to speak French, even just a little bit. Well Madeleine can sing in French and she certainly could try to speak French but she made like she was in front of a crowd in the U.S. and just spoke English, very uncool and not very wise. Finally halfway she spoke some French saying how part of the proceeds of the show was going to a charity in Paris as she was a citizen of the world and therefore a citizen of Paris. They loved that. And then she sang one of her two French songs, the crowd was enthralled. And then guess what, she went back to English for the rest of the show. She needs a handler to help her win over the audience at the different cities she performs in. Great songs, great stylist, just lacking in stage charisma (maybe a bit shy/scared to be on stage?) Certainly the Olympia was a different place from last Saturday when Garou was performing, he had everyone screaming by just saying hello.

Figured out the seating system at the Olympia, something I hadn't known about before. The rows and seats in the theatre are not marked!!!! Everyone must be seated by an usher(ette). This time as I had more time I saw the sign the sign that said they don't get paid by the theatre only by the theatergoers. I don't know how they know which row or seat to put everyone in as the seat numbers don't make any sense to me. Also both concerts didn't have any intermission as everyone would have to be reseated as most would have lost their places, very strange indeed!!

Before the concert I went to a book signing session with Stephen Clarke the ex-pat Brit who became very popular with his "Merde" books about his trying to understand the French after his move to Paris. They are very funny books indeed. Well I couldn't stay long enough to get my book signed (had to go to the Olympia) as the bookstore was packed so they were nice enough to have a book signed so I could pick it up the next day.

Found out from an e-mail from work that my Mother-in-law was taken to hospital. Very worrying and feeling very guilty as I'm walking the streets of Paris eating pastries instead of helping out back home. Funny thing is the message went from Vancouver to Paris and then back to Vancouver as I called Mary to let her know.

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