21 November 2006

Tuesday in Montmartre

Dalida, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Well it was supposed to rain all day today so I got up early to head over to the Louvre (to take a photo of the Wedding at Cana). Well it didn't rain all day until late in the afternoon!!!!

So I spent all morning going up and down the winding streets of Montrmartre, the area of Paris where I am staying. The photo is the grave of Dalida, a famous singer in France who has an amazing grave. Her's and Nijinsky's were the most interesting.

In the afternoon went to Place Vendome and the Tuileries. Unfortunately that's when the weather went bad. Tried to take some night pictures but the rain started coming down heavy. Of course it stopped after an hour, but too late for me as I have to get up early tomorrow as I'm off to Avignon by train.

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