22 November 2006


papes, originally uploaded by tintinetmilou.

Almost missed the TGV this morning. Didn't hear the alarm and had to hurry as the train was leaving at 6:20. Who in their right mind booked this time? Well had to get the 1st or 2nd metro leaving in the morning at Place de Clichy metro or I wouldn't make it to Gare de Lyon. The TGV is great, very comfortable and fast. Only 2 1/2 hours to go from Paris to the South of France; that is amazing as it sometimes takes me that long to commute the 40km's to work The train arrives at Avignon TGV station, an ultra modern station with two tracks, one going south and one going north. It is necessary to take a 10 minute bus ride into the station.

Avignon. Yesterday it was raining, tomorrow it is supposed to rain. Luckily when I arrived the clouds were breaking. The sun did come out but it was cold, not extreme temperature cold but combined with the blustery winds it was cold. Mary would not have been amused. The wind made it difficult to take pictures as one's body gets bounced around.

At the tourist office they give you a map and point out what you should see, le Palais des Papes and le Pont Saint Benezet (Pont d'Avignon). There are some other museums and such, which they try to get you to go to with discounts but it's the bridge and the popes' palace that everyone goes to.

Le Palais des Papes was amazing and the audio guide was very informative. These guys had quite the life!!! Unfortunately no photos are allowed. It takes 2 to 3 hours to get through.

And then the bridge. It would look great at night but I wasn't staying around that long.

It's funny how you miss being away from home and that where you are you know you don't really belong. Avignon was like that for me, a wonderful place to visit, but not home. Luckily it is only 2 1/2 hours back to Paris where I don't have any such problem.

Reserved an earlier train back as didn't want to kill 2 hours doing nothing. If not raining plan on tacking some night pictures.

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