28 November 2006

Last day in Paris (28.11.06)

Tuesday, my last day in Paris
Well was supposed to rain all day but didn't start until mid afternoon and then only for a couple of hours. In Vancouver everyone has an umbrella but not in Paris. On Blvd Saint-Germain I was waiting at a very long light in the rain when I here a bonjour monsieur and discover a cute twenty something is sharing the space under my small umbrella. In English I could have thought of something clever to say but not in French.
Well went to Galeries Lafayette: food floor, terrasse, cooking stuff.... Quite the store and very busy. The glass domed roof is amazing no matter how often you see it.
Then off to a famous cook shop (E. Dehillerin) in Les Halles to look at their supplies. It's a warehouse style setup and you almost need to know what you want before you go in. Very helpful staff.
Then one final trip to Blvd St-Germain and the Marais.
So sad - au revoir Paris. Will I be coming back anytime soon? Who knows. It would be a good place to go for our 25th wedding anniversary??
Off to Strasbourg tomorrow and then on to Hamburg/Luebeck on Friday. Probably won't have internet access so my ramblings end here.

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