08 August 2007

Day 13, mercredi, le 8 aout

Woke up to a downpour. On the TV the weather girl used the term "comme Vancouver". Met two Canadians(Saskatoon)tourists huddling in our apartment building doorway to get out of the rain; Mary detected that they were Canadian when they said, "Sure is raining, eh?". They were finishing up a 24 day tour of Europe. They said it had been either too hot or too wet and cold (Paris). Sad that they were only in Paris for the day; we've been here for two weeks and that is too short.

Went to Ed's, a new supermarket that we've discovered with more reasonable prices. After went to Tati, the famous store for discount clothing, etc. Then headed off for Galeries Lafayette and Printemps. On the way helped two Russian girls who were trying for the first time to buy métro tickets and use the métro. Unfortunately they were at one of the few entrances that are unmanned and they couldn't use the automatic machine. We changed their bills for coins, bought them a carnet of tickets and showed them how the tickets and turnstiles worked. They were very grateful. I don't know how they are going to survive using the métro and getting around without a map and limited skills.

Went through some of the historic shopping passages, Galeries Lafayette (always love the amazing food floor), Printemps and Sephora (Parfumerie) where we sniffed our way through what seemed like a hundred bottles of perfume to find something that we think Katarina would like. Mary stopped at numerous shops looking for clothes, shoes and purses.

Back to the apartment for dinner and early bed. Have to get up extremely early tomorrow to get the TGV to Arles. At least I understand that it is sunny in Provence.

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