04 August 2007

Day 5, mardi, le 31 juillet

Didn't plan it this way but today ended up being the day we visited cemeteries.

First to St-Vincent's in Montmartre just a quick walk from our apartment. Very small but a quiet oasis secluded from the outside.

Cimetiere St. Vincent Montmartre 31 07 07

Then to Montmartre Cemetery which Mary had been to before but I wanted her to see the grave of Dalida, don't think she was impressed.

Then off to Pere-Lachaise. Mary's first time. The place was filled with tourists. Very warm but also very calm to be there, in some ways more of a beautiful park than a cemetery. Did the quick route as Mary was tired, all the walking and fresh air was having its toll. Saw some of my favouite graves including that of Edith Piaf. Interesting overhearing an American family reading the bio of Piaf trying to determine why her grave was important and who she was!!!!

After the cemeteries off the Place de la Republique and a walk along the Canal St-Martin up to the Antoine & Lilly store. Then through a very African neighbourhood where everyone was in salons getting their hair done. Around a corner to Passage Brady where it goes from African to Indian, this passage is full of Indian restaurants and food stores. Stop at Arch St. Denis and then to rue d'Abbesses to pickup food for dinner.

That evening off to the Eglise Madeleine to listen to a concert of Violin pieces (more greatest hits) and Ave Maria's. Not as good as the concert at Ste-Chapelle but no fault of the performers. The Madeleine is too large and echoey. Also you could hear the rumble of the métro trains every few minutes.

Concert Madeleine 31 07 07

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