10 August 2007

Day 15, vendredi, le 10 aout

Hoped the weather would be better today. Woke up to rain which stopped by the time we left however it was cloudy and unseasonably cold all day.

First a walk around Montmartre. Then to Madeleine. Spent some time at Fauchon's to look at the pricey gourmet food. After to Place Vendome, doesn't look like anything in the gray skies. Mary commented that she has really enjoyed the day trips out of Paris but finds the walking, traffic, noise, etc. of Paris less enjoyable. Think it would help if the sun would come out.

To change the pace took Mary to the Marais. Walked around some new streets. Spent some time in a park which has the largest and in the best condition of the Paris city wall/fortification built by Phillipe August.

After Mary went shopping for shoes and bought several pairs and I hung around.

Went to Paris Plages again, this time to see the ballroom dancing at Pont des Arts. While waiting watched kids doing wall climbing along the Seine embankment wall.

The dancing started at 17:00. Took some photos but don't know how good they'll be as it was very dark caused by the overcast/gray skies. One couple, two twin red headed elderly females, were a hoot to watch. They were dancing together and were identical from head to toe, from their hair colour and cut to the clothes and shoes they were wearing.

Back to Montmartre to get some groceries and have dinner.

Off to Reims tomorrow, hope the sun comes out!!!!!!

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