04 August 2007

Day 4 - lundi, le 30 juillet

Off to Arras and Vimy Ridge.
Took the TGV from Gare du Nord, Mary was quite impressed!!

Arrived early in Arras to see the town before our guided tour of Vimy Ridge starting at 1:00pm. Well ran into our guide on arrival and he said there was a wee bit of a problem and that our tour wouldn't start until 2pm. Well we walked around Arras but it was a Monday and most everything was closed either because it was Monday or they were on their "annual" vacation starting in July/August.

Arras 30 07 2007

Well Ian didn't show at 2pm and had to give him a call, he finally arrived at 2:40. Thankfully Vimy Ridge was everything Mary thought it would be. Ian was an okay guy after all but I was certainly worried thinking that it might be a waste of a day!!!!

Vimy Ridge 30 07 2007

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