04 August 2007

Day 6, mercredi, le 1 aout

Off to Strasbourg. Had to hurry like crazy to get to the train on time!!!
Strasbourg was beautiful last November/December but was even more beautiful with the planted baskets in full bloom. The train station has been upgraded, but not quite complete, to accomodate the new Eastern TGV service (used to take more than four hours, now only two hours 20 minutes!!!).

Spent hours walking around le Petit France and the area around the Cathedral. Unfortunately there was construction at the squares, Place Kleber in particular.

Had lunch at Le Gruber restaurant where I had a traditional Alsace specialty of various sausages/fatty meats on a pile of sauerkraut, Yum!!!

Mary bought her first souvenirs here, which is quite a landmark as Mary doesn't like souvenirs or spending money that she doesn't have to.

Strasbourg flower boxes 01 08 07

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