04 August 2007

Day 2 - Samedi, le 28 Juillet

tour eiffel nuit de tour montparnasse 28 07 07

Started off with some rain on and off. I went for a walk to get our Carte Orange métro passes arranged and check out my old neighbourhood. Got back with the passes and some bakery goodies. Off with Mary for a quick walk down rue Abbesses and rue Lepic (saw Maison Collignon and Café de Deux Moulins) and then off to Place de la Concorde. Had a baguette Sandwich and then off to the L'Órangerie to see the Monet's, Renoir's, Cezanne's, Derain's, Picasso's and on. On the way back to the apartment stopped off at the Franprix (five minutes from métro Lamarck) to pick up groceries. Mary napped, then dinner. Then off to Ste-Chapelle to see Les Archets of Paris perform Vivaldi's Four Seasons and other classical hits in quite a magical setting. Mary was quite thrilled with the concert and bought one of their CD's (signed). Plus for the tour guide. After went to the ugly Tour Montparnasse (a tall office tower) and wait for the sunset and the lights of the city to come on. Should have brought my tripod as very difficult to take any pictures without. Lots of German tourists!

ste chapelle concert 28 07 07

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